Panasonic ProClub - Online manual

3 microsites form the concept "My Project", whose purpose is to help end users to define and have a first idea of which Panasonic products are better suited for them, read general information about these products, and access to a directory of Panasonic installers.

1. My Home

Online Sizing Wizard tool. Complete the 5 steps test to obtain a first advice on the most suitable Panasonic device to their home.

2. My Project

Quick and easy Contact Form to submit inquiries to Panasonic about Heating&Cooling projects. Users can land directly on this page... or they can be redirected once they finalized "My Home". In that case, their test result is attached to the form for better advice from Panasonic team.

3. iFinder

Online directory of installers previously registered to PRO Club. Users can land directly on this page... or be redirected once they finalized "My Home" or "My Project".